Sunday, November 4, 2012


I heard a TV minister say something today that really moved me, so much so that I wrote the quote down. This minister stressed to his congregation, “Go where you are celebrated, not where you’re tolerated.” How very true and powerful these words are. Do you know of anyone who you think is a person that always tries to please everybody? How much success does this person have attempting to do this? I’m sure not very much. Have you ever been the person who was trying to please all? If so, don’t feel bad because I readily admit that I used to be that way, though it was many years ago. I learned though living life that whether you are at work, at home, with friends, family, or loved ones, your actions will never make all of the people you are closely associated with happy. So what does that mean? It means that you should put your most valuable time, feelings, energy, and work where it is most appreciated. Make it a point to be around people who not only want you with them, they also appreciate you being with them. If you work for a company, choose a company that values you as a worker and shows you that they appreciate the talents and skills you bring to the organization. Most importantly, if you think well of yourself, then why would you want to put yourself in any situation where you are just “tolerated” by another?

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