Thursday, February 19, 2009

"Control What's In You"

Dr. John Maxwell is a writer and speaker who is internationally recognized as a leadership expert. Learning and using good leadership qualities can do far more for you than just teach you how lead people. Implementing the right leadership qualities can change your life.

In this piece, Dr. Maxwell explains quite well why it is so important to focus on what you do control. I viewed this article on a great website that is immensely spiritual, inspirational, and motivational.

Enjoy the article.

Control what's in you February 19, 2009 John C. Maxwell

"Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself." – Matthew 6:34

Former UCLA basketball coach John Wooden, one of the greatest coaches who ever lived, said, "Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do." Wooden was known for stressing excellence to his players and encouraging them to work toward their potential. He never made winning a championship his goal. He focused on the journey, not the destination. Yet his work ethic and focus on the things within his control earned his UCLA teams four undefeated seasons, an eighty-eight-game winning streak, and an incredible ten national championships. No one had ever done that before him, and no one has done it since.

As you move forward on the success journey, you need to remember that what happens in you is more important than what happens to you. You can control your attitudes as you travel on the journey, but you have no control over the actions of others. You can choose what to put on your calendar, but you can't control today's circumstances. Unfortunately, the majority of the fear and stress that people experience in life is from things they can do nothing about. Don't let that happen to you..

* * *
Focus on the things you can do something about today. Forget the rest!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

"The Miracle of Personal Development"

Here is a great article by Jim Rohn, an icon in the field of self-development. Jim Rohn is a speaker's speaker and a writer's writer. One of the qualities I admire most about him is his directness. Jim Rohn states very clearly that anyone who expects you to be positive all the time is crazy. Being positive has its place. However, what's far more important is not to stay negative. And your positive energy and ambition must be accompanied with productive action.

In "The Miracle of Personal Development," Jim Rohn shares some critical insights into his success and what you can do to create your own.

The Miracle of Personal Development by Jim Rohn

One day Mr. Shoaff said, "Jim, if you want to be wealthy and happy, learn this lesson well: Learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job."

Since that time I've been working on my own personal development. And I must admit that this has been the most challenging assignment of all. This business of personal development lasts a lifetime.

You see, what you become is far more important than what you get. The important question to ask on the job is not, "What am I getting?" Instead, you should ask, "What am I becoming?" Getting and becoming are like Siamese twins: What you become directly influences what you get. Think of it this way: Most of what you have today you have attracted by becoming the person you are today.

I've also found that income rarely exceeds personal development. Sometimes income takes a lucky jump, but unless you learn to handle the responsibilities that come with it, it will usually shrink back to the amount you can handle.

If someone hands you a million dollars, you'd better hurry up and become a millionaire. A very rich man once said, "If you took all the money in the world and divided it equally among everybody, it would soon be back in the same pockets it was before."

It is hard to keep that which has not been obtained through personal development
So here's the great axiom of life:

This is where you should focus most of your attention. Otherwise, you just might have to contend with the axiom of not changing, which is:


To Your Success,

Jim Rohn

Monday, February 9, 2009


I don't know of many people that I feel honestly love what they do as their full-time job. Now I have known some people, over the years, where that seemed to be the case. But these days, I don't see it as much. Why do you think that's so?

Well, I feel one major reason is because we're not taught to seek out what we love to do. Formal education teaches us, for the most part, to be good employees. It doesn't teach us to pursue having our own business or to be steadfast in finding a job where we get paid doing what we really enjoy. One reason why I love iLearning so much is because I am learning while I'm earning.

I think back to when I worked for a food store. The store, Giant, is a major food chain, in northern Virginia and elsewhere. To work for Giant, back in the '80, was a really big deal. It was good money, great benefits, and for a young, single guy, like I was then, it was a place that was always filled with pretty ladies. Everyone has to eat, right?

I was a cashier, at Giant, and I loved it. I would usually have 4 to 6-hour shifts and the time always went by quickly. I got to meet all kinds of interesting people, work with some real characters, and learn a lot about working retail, which taught me a lot about human nature. Bottom line, that job was fun.

Do you have fun on your job? Do you wake up excited about what awaits you? Or do you dread what lies ahead? Please don't misunderstand. I'm not trying to say that if everything isn't peaches and cream at your job that you need to get another one. What I am suggesting is that you at least look for something that really captures your interest.

I fully understand the current economic climate and that a lot of people are getting laid off. I feel blessed to have a nice job, especially one that is close to wear I live. However, I feel even more blessed to have a second job, teaching ESL (English as a Second Language), that I've done for the last 10 years and that I never get tired of. For me, if I had no bills, I'd teach ESL for free. One day, I'll be able to do that. Or better yet, I'll open up an ESL school.

You'd be amazed at some of the things people do and get paid for. While a researcher and assistant-editor, at Time-Life, in the early 90's, I worked on section of a book, called "Odd Jobs." It was about people that had some truly bizarre employment. The criteria was it had to be their fullt-time and primary income. I had some wonderful stories.

From a professional mosquito breeder, to a specimen (i.e., spiders, leeches, vampire bats, snake venom) collector. We even had a professional ice-cream taster, who had his taste buds insured, by the way, come to talk to us. Another lady I interviewed, that made the book, had a job to check the tatoos under the lips of horses who were lined up to run in races. This was done to ensure the right horse was the one actually racing, and this was her full-time job. Another guy that made the book was a bull semen collector, but I'll spare you the details of that job.

What I noticed with almost all of these professionals with these so-called "odd jobs," is that they really loved what they did. They loved talking about it. They got great joy out of their work, and they also saw how it benefitted others. For example, my favorite odd-jober was the specimen collector. He was quite a character. A big, burly guy, full of life and always on the go. He told me that the specimens he traveled the world to collect, like scorpions and vampire bats, were used by pharmaceutical companies to create antedotes for such poisons. Here was a guy who told me that he dropped out of medical school, much to his parents dismay, to pursue this dream. Can you imagine the flack he got from people. But he held true to his passion. I'm so glad to see that Terry is still doing the same thing. He calls himself the true-life Indiana Jones and my Google search turned up a site for him. Check it out.

If you're not doing something you love, full-time, at least make an attempt to do something you love part-time. Trust me, it will pay off in ways that far exceed any monetary gain.

On the Tube

I love, and I mean I absolutely love, You Tube. It's one of the few services, on the Net, that I would pay for -- for a reasonable fee -- to use. From musical performances, to news clips, to historical videos, to lectures, to cartoons, to comedy routines, to instructional videos, to movie scenes, You Tube has it.

This first installment includeds links that show some of the real characters from the movie, "Cadillac." The movie was sensational, but watching the real people perform is out of this world.

I've also thrown in Big Momma Thorton, who sang "Hound Dog" before Elvis was even pup, as well as the legendary Jimi Hendrix playing the "Star Spangled Banner." It's a long video, yet Hendrix was truly an amazing man playing the guitar.


Muddy Waters"Got My Mo-Jo Working"

Big Momma Thornton"You Ain't Nothin But a Hound Dog

Howlin Wolf"How Many More Years?"

Chuck Berry "Maybellene."

Chuck Berry with Bruce Springsteen"Johnny Be Good"

Jimi Hendrix"Star Spangled Banner"

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Are You Overdue for An Upgrade?

I know I wasn't the first to say it, but I firmly believe it is true: The best time to look for a job is when you already have a job. Along with that, I'll add that you need to constantly add to your skill set and knowledge base. Those of you who have sat on interviewing panels and/or been interviewed, like I have, realize that potential employers not only want to know how long you've done something, they also want to know how well you can do things, like working on the computer with various programs, using phone systems, working with teams, conducting research, and more.

Admittidly, I haven't updated my resume in a few months -- I plan to do that before the weekend is out, and I recommend you do it every 3 to 6 months. However, I am constantly upgrading my knowledge-base by using my membership and soaking up as much information as I can on personal success and copywriting, including books, tapes, CDs, magazines, articles, and online resources. Earl Nightingale said it, years ago, and it still holds true, "You are what you think about, all day long." How about this one I just made up. You are consumed by what you consume. If your day is spent just watching t.v., then that's what fills your head. Now I like television, too, but to a limit. What's even more important that the fact that you watch a lot of t.v. or surf the net for hours is what are you watching, listening to, and taking in. It does matter and it does impact your life.

I love to do things in 3s. Three is a critically important number to me. I was the third child of four, and I was born on the 3rd. Here are 3 things I recommend you do to begin a serious upgrade in your life.

The 3 Keys to an Upgrade

1. Write down 3 major things or goals you want to have or accomplish, by this time next year. You must be as specific as possible. For example, if you want a better paying job, don't just write, I want to have a job that pays more than what I make, now. Instead, write something like, I want have a job where I earn $75,000 a year.

2. Write down 3 promises you will make to yourself to achieve to achieve the goals. If you're serious, this will involve doing some things differently than you have been doing them.

3. Write down 3 benefits you will gain from achieving the set goals. These benefits should include how the results will make you a better person and how they will help others.

Keep this page or document where you wrote your 3 Keys to An Upgrade somewhere where you can easily access it and review it, daily. This will help reinforce it in your present thoughts and in your subconscious.

Tips: Make your major goals things that are out of your present reach but are realistically obtainable. For example, the dream of becoming a professional football player, that I had as a child and a teen, is not going to happen at my age ... even if I bought a team. :)

With your promises, don't write you will try. Write that you will do. Even if you just say it or write it to yourself, making a promise is taken much more seriously than saying you will try. Some believe saying I'll try is simply giving an excuse not to do something, ahead of time.

Put a lot of thought into how accomplishing your goals will benefit you and others. In my study of millionaires, at least the ones I respect, I was amazed to find out that almost all of them don't treasure their money as much as they treasure the good things their money enables them to do.

Lastly, don't stop having fun and don't be too hard on yourself. If you are in a rut or really want a major change in your life, keep in mind that you didn't get to where you are, overnight. So don't expect to achieve a major goal, overnight. It's okay to have setbacks and frustrations. To be successful, you must focus on overcoming those challenges and get back on track.

Have the best of success! I know you can do it.

Movie Magic

I love watching movies and I want to share with you what I've watched, recently, that you may be interesting in. My reviews will be different because I'm not a movie critic, just a movie lover.

In the theater, I saw "Taken." It's a movie that completly took me in when I saw the trailers. Lines from the main character:

"... what I do have is a particular set of skills. Skills that I used and developed over a long career. Skills, that make life hell for people like you."

If that got you going, you'll thoroughly enjoy the movie. It is action-packed and suspenseful. And it's not all shooting and fighting, either, although that's prevalent. There are some side plots that make the story even more interesting.

One of my favorite things about this movie is that the main character is a middle-aged guy who doesn't fit your typical James Bond-type lead. His calm demeanor truly fools you when you find out what he's capable of. Of course, the worst in him is the best in him, but that only comes out when he's on a mission. And he is totally focused on a mission to get his daughter back from kidnappers. But he's got other aims, too. If you want to find out the rest, check out the movie. When you watch those trailers, again, pay very close attention to what is said during the cell phone conversation between the main character and the guy you dont see.

In the theater, I also saw a movie called "Slumdog Millionaire," and it totally blew me away. It started out really weird because you don't know why this kid is in so much trouble. Trust me, stay with it and remember the questions, but don't miss any of it because as the movie goes along it will all make sense.

The movie is set in India and centers around a young man who gets an opportunity to be a contestant on India's version of "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?"

From early childhood, the main character and his brotherr deal with the worst of circumstances. Doing things to survive is no cliche to them. During this time, Jamal (main character) meets the love of his life, Latika, and I do mean the true love of his life. From there, the adventures, wins and losses, and growth of the characters never stop. Ironically, what happens in life connects to the game show. How, you may ask? Well, you'll have to watch the movie to find out.

A word of warning. There are some pretty violent situations in the film and the movie is quite long. In no way is it boring, though.

"Slumdog Millionaire" is definitely one of the best and most engrossing films I've seen in years.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Invest in Yourself

Without exception, the most important investment you can make is an investment in yourself.

During these turbulent times, we are hearing so much doom and gloom but very little about things you can do to achieve more and be productive and happy. Hiding under a rock won't help. Pretending that the economy is great and that massive layoffs aren't ocurring won't help, either. What will help is making yourself your biggest asset. Remember, wherever you go and whatever you do, you take your knowledge, your skills, and your potential with you.

I have found an amazing way to increase your level of knowledge in areas that you choose. You'll be personally taught by experts in those fields. Some of them have more than 40 years of experience. Others have held executive positions in federal agencies, owned companies, earned millions of dollars, authored books, and spoken all over the world.

Does this sound too good to be true? Well, that's what I thought until I became involved. Want to hear something even more astonishing? You can also make money while you're learning, but that's a choice for you to make.

If you want to improve yourself, your life, your business, and make a real contribution to the world, check this out. I will warn you, if you're not into self-development and you don't believe that you have to take responsibility for making your life better, you won't be interested. But for those who have big dreams and major goals, and fully understand that if they are to be achieved, they will have to take action, this may be perfect for you.

Click the links, below, to learn more.

iLearningGlobal Founder
Michael E. Howard


Thursday, February 5, 2009


My name is Michael E. Howard and I want to welcome you to my new blog, called Forward Thinking. I call it Forward Thinking because of how strongly I believe in the power of our mind and our thoughts. Our self-talk is the most important conversation we ever have.

I created this blog because I love learning, I love sharing infomation that will help others, and I love to write.

Going all the way back to my teenage years, and that was more than half my life back, I was told by so many family members, relatives, friends, and associates that I should get my writings published. This blog can help me move toward that goal.

This blog is written solely by me, but it is intended to serve all those who can gain from it. I certainly don't know it all, yet I do have a lot to offer.

Enjoy the blog and please feel free to comment.

Michael E