Monday, April 26, 2010

And What Are You Complaining About?

Two days ago, a deadly tornado ripped through the state of Mississippi, leaving massive damage and killing 10 people.  The conditions are so bad, the governor of the state declared a state of emergency.  Our thoughts and prayers should be those who have suffered because of this awful event.

Why am I mentioning the Mississippi in my blog, especially since most of you already heard about it on the news?   I'm writing about it because when we sit down and really think about, most of our troubles pale in comparison to the woes of others.  Does this mean we should never complain?  Of course not, but what it does mean is that we should put the issues that we gripe about in perspective.  No matter what you or I are going through, there are millions, and I do mean millions, of people elsewhere who would love to trade places with us.

One tornado victim I saw interviewed said, "I lost everything.  Everything I had.  It's all gone."  Think about that the next time you feel your situation or your life is so bad.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What Are You Giving?

Any great relationship, whether romantic, friends, or associates, should be about giving as much as it is about taking.  Too often,we forget that other people close to us have just as many needs, desires, and troubles as we do.  Yet we can chew their ears off with talk about ourselves without so much as asking them about things that are truly important to them.  And then, actually listening to what they have to say and responding with genuine interest and concern.

Next time you make call, send a message, or extend an invitation to someone special in your life, ask yourself this question:  What benefit is he or she going to get out of this?

Sunday, April 18, 2010


As much as I can't believe it's been nearly three months since I last posted on my blog, it has been.  So I won't attempt to offer any excuses.  Sure, I've been busy with a lot of stuff and putting out the little fires that will flare up in life, but so have most other people.  The bottom line is, I didn't post.

Though I will not make any excuses for myself, I will apologize to my readers for not having  regular entries for them to read.  I don't ever want to let you down, again.

I can tell you that my writing is going in a different direction as it generates a direct impact on my career goals.  With that said, my Forward Thinking blog will remain but the entries will be much shorter and focus more on inspirational and motivational thoughts, quotes, and ideas.  My hope is that you enjoy what you read and the words move you to think more, do more, and be more.