Thursday, November 29, 2012
A week ago, around this time, you were probably relaxing in front of the TV, watching a football game or some holiday program while talking to members of your family. Hours before that, you were probably feasting on turkey, stuffing, green beans, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, rolls, and whatever else you prepared. Before you started to dine on that fabulous meal, you probably said a prayer. Your prayer probably included all the many things you were thankful for.
If you did say a prayer before your Thanksgiving meal, I have no doubt that it was one of sincere gratitude. I do have a question, though. Have you prayed a similar prayer, giving thanks to God for all that you have, all that you are, and all that you aspire to become.
Are you any more blessed on that special Thursday in late November than you are any other day of the calendar year? I know I’m not. And since I’m not, I make it point to pray with the deepest gratitude for everything I’m so very blessed to have. Even if I’m experiencing problems or setbacks, I’m incredibly blessed to be able to have the opportunity to resolve them. So in a sense, every single day, except for all the food, is like Thanksgiving to me. How about for you?
Monday, November 19, 2012
If you really want something, how long are you willing to wait to get it? I’m sure your answer is, that depends. By that I mean that I mean how long you would wait for something probably depends on what that something is, right?
Different people desire different things at different levels. The point of this blog post is to tell you to always think about what you miss while you wait. No matter how short your wait, you will miss doing something else, but when you wait a long time, you can miss out on some great experiences and opportunities.
Life never stops moving for us to catch up. Because of this fact, you need to examine what you are waiting for, why you are still waiting for it, and how long it will be before you stop waiting for it. This last action can be hard to decide on, especially if you are told you’re going to get what you want.
Patience is fine quality to have; I consider myself a patient person. Being patient does not mean standing still and doing nothing forever, though.
If you have to follow steps and procedures to obtain something you really want, then make sure the proper steps and procedures are being taken so that you can get it. If they aren’t, go elsewhere … to a place where things do get done so you can get what you want.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
We all have something that we really enjoy. It could be a favorite chair, a favorite shirt, pair of pants, or favorite pair of shoes. In the kitchen, you probably have a favorite plate, a favorite mug, and a favorite glass.
Nothing is wrong with having a favorite anything. What I want you to think about is the feeling you get when you use your favorite thing or you are in your favorite place. More than likely, you like it so much because you feel in control and totally comfortable with the favorite thing. This feeling of comfort can turn out to be a bad thing if it is preventing you from experiencing the change you need to make to get something you never had or do something you’ve never done.
Until I am very uncomfortable with the weight I want to lose, it won’t get lost. If someone is comfortable living paycheck to paycheck, they have no incentive to change their financial conditions. If someone is unhappy in a relationship but they are comfortable enough that they aren’t miserable, they will probably stay in that relationship.
Making a change can be very hard, and change can be impossible for some. But for those who want something different than what they presently have, change, and sometimes great change, is mandatory.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
On the day before a new president will be elected in this country, I read a message on the Early to Rise Ezine about this country, politics, faith, prosperity, and self-empowerment that was so stirring and inspiring to me I wanted to share it with my blog readers.
Please read both “American or Not” and “Dear America” because each article has a powerful message we need to understand.
American or Not
No matter where you live or what you think about the American election or its candidates, the conclusion of today's message has meaning for us all. It's a choice that anyone, anywhere, can and must make for themselves.
Craig Ballantyne
"Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand." - Matthew 12:25
Dear America
By Craig Ballantyne
Dear America,
You were everything a foreign kid dreamt of and more. There I was, 10 years old and unleashed in Orlando, Florida, the heart of American consumerism. The Ballantyne family had finally made the pilgrimage to Disney World.
Between trips to the theme park my cousin and I would play arcade games in the hotel lobby. For dinner we had McDonalds and large cans of American soda (the cans back in Canada were still just a fraction of the size). At night in our hotel room we'd watch all the American television shows that we couldn't get back on the farm where our rabbit-eared TV only received three Canadian channels.
And then there was Disney World itself. You've been there. You know what it means to a child. I won't even attempt to put the Magic Kingdom into words.
That trip strengthened my relationship with America that had long ago started with my love for the Dallas Cowboys and America's mesmerizing Saturday morning cartoons. And while it might not be a popular motif in the present day, I have no problem admitting that I love America. Always have and probably always will.
I love you, America, for your grand traditions, your voracious appetite for consumption, your big trucks, your big hearts, and your even bigger personalities. I love you for your sports dynasties and legends, your bizarre obsession with college sports (they're teenagers!), and your iconic academic and financial institutions. And who doesn't love New York City at Christmas, weekends in Las Vegas, the coasts of California, the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, the great plains of the mid-west, and the small town pride all over the country.
But most of all I love America for Americans; which is why your infighting bothers me so much. As an outsider that watches you every day, I fear that your greatness is at risk due to petty disagreements and massive misunderstandings.
In fact, it is your dogged loyalty, one of your strongest attributes that might also be your undoing. Darn it America, you mean a lot to me. And I don't want to see you go out like this.
America, you are not a collection of people defined by percentage points. You're not a 1 percent, 99 percent, 46 percent, or even 110 percent (no matter how often your sports superstars claim to give that much effort). You're not "red states" or "blue states". You're not defined by being a donkey or an elephant. Quit labeling yourself, it means nothing.
Here's what you really are, even if so many people around the world will only begrudgingly admit it. You are a great country full of even greater individuals that simply all want a better life. In fact, we all do, every person in every country of the world.
But here's the problem.
Everyday we teach our children that bullying is wrong. Don't be mean, don't pick on other kids, don't tell lies or spread gossip, don't belittle or ostracize others. But then what do the so-called leaders of America do? They bully each other and anyone that disagrees with them, which sets a terrible example.
But it doesn't have to be this way. In fact, if left to the people of America, and not to the political parties, it wouldn't be that way.
What real Americans do is add value, solve problems, and help one another. Just look at the response to Hurricane Sandy. The people along the Eastern Seaboard united, and were on the streets helping one another. No one cared who the other person was voting for. Instead, it was all about lending a helping hand and working together. That's the America (and Americans) that I know.
If only the so-called "guys in charge" could see this, understand this, and learn from this. If only they would realize that it's time to put aside political differences and to help one another. The game of political division has gone too far. Sometimes, as I watch as an outsider, I wonder if it can ever be fixed.
But in the end, I believe it can.
And it starts with adding value.
If you add value to the world and help solve one another's problems, you can build a great business and even rebuild a great country. There's virtually no limit to the positive results you can achieve when you make service to others your overriding priority.
To the people of America, realize that you are an individual and family member first, an American second, and somewhere way down the line you can feel free to call yourself a Democrat or Republican (or other). Never forget that order of importance.
Whatever happens on Tuesday, Nov 6th, 2012, I can guarantee you one thing. On Wednesday, Nov 7th, the sun will rise in the East, you will wake up and your dream of a better future for you and your family will not have changed.
There will be a newly elected or re-elected President of the United States, but there will be only one ruler of your American Dream - and that is you.
What you do with your dream is up to you and YOU alone. No President controls whether you get out of bed early to get a head start on the work day or whether you sleep in and fall behind your competitors. No political party dictates whether you work four hours a week or sixty-four. Those choices are yours, and yours alone.
You cannot allow external factors to change your internal vision. You can still make your life into anything you want it to be.
You can transcend the political division and still have your shot at the American Dream (and this goes for anyone, anywhere in the world that is free to read Early to Rise). Choose to come together and add value, rather than tearing your country apart.
No one sets limits on how much value you can add to the world. No one but you. For you are the Commander-in-Chief of your American Dream.
And that is what I love about America.
A Canadian Boy and His Dog
Sunday, November 4, 2012
I heard a TV minister say something today that really moved me, so much so that I wrote the quote down. This minister stressed to his congregation, “Go where you are celebrated, not where you’re tolerated.” How very true and powerful these words are.
Do you know of anyone who you think is a person that always tries to please everybody? How much success does this person have attempting to do this? I’m sure not very much. Have you ever been the person who was trying to please all? If so, don’t feel bad because I readily admit that I used to be that way, though it was many years ago.
I learned though living life that whether you are at work, at home, with friends, family, or loved ones, your actions will never make all of the people you are closely associated with happy. So what does that mean? It means that you should put your most valuable time, feelings, energy, and work where it is most appreciated.
Make it a point to be around people who not only want you with them, they also appreciate you being with them. If you work for a company, choose a company that values you as a worker and shows you that they appreciate the talents and skills you bring to the organization. Most importantly, if you think well of yourself, then why would you want to put yourself in any situation where you are just “tolerated” by another?
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Would you describe yourself as a happy person or an unhappy person? If you think of yourself as a happy person, what do you think contributes the most your happiness? If you think of yourself as an unhappy person, what do you think contributes the most to your unhappiness?
If you answered the question about the biggest contributor to your happiness with anything other than YOURSELF, I must disagree with you. Your state of mind, your self-esteem, and especially your self-image, have far more to do with your emotional state than possessions, people or places.
Think about it, if you get the guy or girl of your dreams, or you get that amazing home or car you saved up for, do those things make you happy in a direct way? They don’t. What happens is your emotional state is enhanced or lowered by people you are with or things you are given or acquire.
The strongest feelings you have are the feelings about yourself. You must feel good about you to truly feel good about life. Until you genuinely like, love, and accept yourself, no person, place, thing, situation, or condition will permanently change you so that you can enjoy life to the fullest. Only you can own your happiness.
Monday, October 29, 2012
If someone asked where you worked, you would most likely give them the name of a company, organization, or agency. You could also answer the question by saying you’re self employed. If the same person were to describe what you do on your job, you would probably have no trouble at all describing what your work duties and/or responsibilities are. The same type of response applies to questions like, Where do you live? and What is your neighborhood like? There is nothing wrong with those questions or those responses.
But how do you answer the question, Who are you? If you answer by giving your name, then how would you responds to this follow up statement and question: You told me your name, but I want to know who you are as a person? Who are you to yourself compared to who you are to the public? These very important questions are not the easiest to answer, yet they are questions that you should know the answers to.
Almost everybody has an image we want to present at the job and outside of our homes and another image that is made up of what we feel in our hearts and minds. This is normal because different environment may call for different conduct. What isn’t normal or healthy is when your self-image doesn’t match public the image. You will not live in harmony with yourself and others if you are not being the true you. So take the time to answer the question, Who are you … really? And when you answer it honestly, see if it lines up with who you really want to be.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
I am in Virginia Beach, Virginia as I write this and the Hampton Roads/Tidewater Area and other locations along the U.S. East Coast are bracing themselves for Hurricane Sandy. Some weather experts are calling Sandy the making of a “perfect storm.” What’s meant by a perfect storm is that it can bring torrential rains, winds, flooding, and power outages.
So when something as threatening as a serious hurricane may be headed your way, what is the best way to prepare for it? Do you stock up on living essentials like, water, canned and other non-perishable food items, toilet paper, candles, flashlights, and batteries? Or do you make quick plans to leave the area long before the storm is predicted to hit? I can’t tell you one way is better than the other because you have to make the decision that is best for you.
You will face decisions in your life that are just as important, if not more so, as the ones you would make to protect yourself from a deadly storm. The big question is, are you ready to make those decisions? As the great line from a Nationwide Insurance commercial states, “Life comes at you fast.” And we all know it surely can.
Stay alert and stay ready for almost anything and not much will catch you off guard. Keep your house in order. Protect yourself and your family. Mind your money and value your time. And you will also be very wise to follow an approach I coined many years ago, Don’t expect the worse … but always try to be prepared for it.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Almost everybody is blessed enough to have at least three to four people in their lives that they consider true friends. I’m talking about the kind of friends that you know want to see you safe and well, want to see you succeed in all that you do, and most of all, they sincerely want to see you happy.
For the friends you have who are in this category, show them how much they mean to you while you have the opportunity. Don’t put it off. Tell them just how special they are. You don’t need to wait for a special occasion. Let them know, now, how much better your life is because they are a part of it.
Don’t make the mistake of thinking that just because you call, email, or text your true friends on their birthdays or you send them a Christmas card that they realize the full scope of how much they mean to you. And don’t think that you have to be a writer or a singer to create a message that will touch their hearts. Many times, the most meaningful and memorable gestures are the simplest ones. What makes them so significant is that they come from your heart.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
If you are a good driver, you must keep your focus on the traffic that’s in front of you. A good driver will also check the rear view mirror and the side mirrors frequently to see what’s going on in those areas. A good driver will take a quick look to the side when changing lanes to ensure that no car is in the blind spot that a side mirror won’t pick up. All of these checks are critically important for good drivers, yet the most important thing to do is to keep your eyes on what is in front of you.
Keeping your eyes on what’s in front of you is vital to your personal and professional success. We should all learn from our past experiences, including the mistakes we made. But it does you no good to dwell on what you feel you didn’t do well. It doesn’t help you today to kick yourself for a bad decision you made last week, last month, or last year. It is especially harmful to continue to stay depressed over a bad choice or a foolish action you made years ago. Yes, there are plenty of people that do that.
I strongly advise you to focus on what you want and what you need to do to achieve it. Don’t ignore mistakes, learn from them and move on. Don’t put yourself down, pull yourself up. Above all else, keep your mind on what you can control. Put your efforts into what you can do. It’s okay to have some low points and bad days, but you don’t want to stay in those states. Move on and move forward.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
The third and final debate between the two candidates running for the office of the President of the United States took place, last night, and I thought the debate fairly good and letting the viewing public know where the candidates stand on how the U.S. is seen by foreign countries and what role the U.S. should strive to take in the future.
I also feel that the toughest questions on foreign policy were not asked or were not answered directly, and that’s politics.
Just remember that when it comes to foreign policy, it comes down to decisions. The president of this country makes a decision on how he or she will interact with foreign leaders. The president of this country makes a decision on whether or not to go to the Congress to declare war on another country. The president makes a decision on whether or not to take military action against another country (normally with the support of Congress). The president makes a decision on whether or not sanctions should be imposed on another country and how severe those sanctions should be. The president makes a decision on whether we see another country as a friend or foe to the United States of America.
When you go to vote on November 6, keep what you heard about foreign policy in mind, and just as importantly, if not more so, keep in mind what you heard and know about the candidates’ stand on the economy. Most importantly, cast your vote for the presidential candidate you feel will do the best job of making this country a strong, safe, and prosperous nation, now and for future generations.
Monday, October 22, 2012
I was gone for too long but I will be posting entries in this blog on a regular basis. I do apologize to those of you who were following my posts and saw them just stop. I make no excuses. I just let other things take priority over my blog and that was wrong. You won’t be disappointed with the activity on Forward Thinking because I am on a mission. It’s time to put my writing to use to inform, educate, and encourage as many people as I can.
What you will read in Forward Think is short pieces about people, things, and other topics that should help you think in a way that will help you expand your mind and improve your life.
Please note that I am announcing the resurgence of my blog before the final U.S. presidential debate, before Thanksgiving, before Christmas, before New Year’s, before my birthday, and before the Super Bowl. I know many other important things are, and will be, going on between now and the end of February, but I’m just pointing out that there will be a lot to cover and I’m not just waiting for a particular outcome to voice my opinion.
Stay blessed, stay well, and stay tuned.
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