Thursday, January 21, 2010


Be it your profession, your aspiration, or your obligation, think about what you are offering to others.  What we can give to others isn't always something tangible.  It can be support, love, encourgement, advice, and more. 

I love quotes and often I read a quote from the signature of someone's email or something they post on Twitter.  No matter from whom I get it, no matter who originated it, that quote can make the difference in how I set the tone for the day or go about taking care of an important issue.  Or, the quote may just simply put a smile on my face.  But all those reactions are good things.

Yes, we all have hardships to bear.  Yes, we get bombarded with bad news.  Yes, times are hard.  Yet, there is so much to be thankful for, especially in a country that offers so much opportunity.  With that in mind, make the effort to share something good with people you know and even people you don't know.  Even if you never get a thank you.  Take joy in sharing what you have to offer..  Don't just think about what you don't have or what you didn't get.  The true gift is in the giving.

Though you may not even seek it, the more you give to others, the more the universe will give you.

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